FAQ: Can I have sex during my IVF (or egg freezing) treatment cycle?

Post image - FAQ: Can I have sex during my IVF (or egg freezing) treatment cycle?

Talking to all women:  yes **with protection.

As your follicles are stimulated and grow prior to your egg retrieval, we recommend using a condom during sex. You may have many eggs developing and will therefore be at a high risk of pregnancy if any ovulate before retrieval. During the week immediately before and after your retrieval, your ovaries may be enlarged and sensitive, so we recommend that you listen to your body and abstain if sex is uncomfortable for you.

For the men reading:  Typically, a sperm specimen is provided on the day of egg retrieval. During the IVF process, you should not ejaculate for at least 2 days prior to providing a semen specimen (but you should ejaculate 5 to 6 days prior to abstaining) – this will help ensure the highest possible sperm count.